How to buy token
Step 1: Download and Install MetaMask Wallet on Mobile
Download the App:
For Android: MetaMask on Google Play
For iPhone: MetaMask on App Store
After downloading, open the app.
Step 2: Create a New Wallet or Restore Your Existing Wallet
Create a New Wallet: Choose "Create a Wallet" and follow the instructions to create a strong password.
Restore an Existing Wallet: Choose "Restore with Secret Recovery Phrase" and enter the phrase you were given previously.
Step 3: Add Binance Smart Chain Network to MetaMask
Open the MetaMask app.
Tap the menu in the top-left corner (the three horizontal lines).
Select "Settings".
Choose "Networks".
Tap "Add Network" and enter the following details:
Network Name: Binance Smart Chain
Chain ID: 56
Currency Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL:
Step 4: Buy BNB to Complete the Subscription
From within MetaMask, you can purchase BNB via various methods such as credit cards or through services like Binance or KuCoin. After purchasing, ensure you have enough BNB in your wallet.
Step 5: Visit Your Website to Subscribe
Open the web browser Metamask on your mobile device.
Click on the icon in the lower bar of the browser as shown in the picture
When you press the button, the following window appears.
Place the cursor at the top, delete, and write the following URL in the address bar:
Type our website name instead
Upon entering, our page will appear like this:
Step 6: Scroll Down the Page and Click the Subscribe Button
Scroll down the page until you find the subscribe button.
Tap on the "Subscribe" button.
Step 7: Choose the Number of Tokens You Want to Subscribe To
A window will appear allowing you to select the number of tokens you want to subscribe to.
Choose the number you wish to subscribe to.
Then we click on the Confirm button to complete the subscription and transfer the currencies to your wallet.
Step 8: Complete the Transaction
Make sure you have enough BNB in your wallet to cover the transaction.
After verifying the subscription details, click "Confirm" to complete the process.
Additional Links:
Guide to Buying BNB on Binance
Syriafree Team
These services aim to leverage blockchain technology and digital currency to support sustainable development and community-driven efforts for Syria's reconstruction.